+1 vote
I keep using the up arrow but there is a query that I made a while back and I can't find it using the scroll up method.  Is it stored anywhere else?
in Smartform by betwise2 Novice (390 points)
edited by colin

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
Once you are the command prompt you can use the up arrow to access previous queries, as you say.

If you want to go back a large number of queries, there is a MySQL history file - called mysql.history - which contains all previous query history.  You can set the history limit in your MySQL configuration options.

To access all previous queries, one per line, (on *nix systems or Mac OS X), go to the command line and open the history file with your favourite text editor, as in:

>pico .mysql_history

If you use one of the free GUIs to MySQL, such as Sequel Pro, you can also store your favourite queries there.
by colin Frankel (19.7k points)
edited by colin