It says in the smartform database file it is for linux.

0 votes
It says in the smartform database file it is for linux. I tried running the database file in Microsoft sql server management studio but wont work. In the database file it says MySQL dump 10.13  Distrib 5.7.17, for Linux (x86_64)
asked Jan 13, 2018 in Smartform by adrian.treanor Plater (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It runs fine for me in MySQL for Windows.

Don't know about the practicality of running it in Microsoft SQL Server. It may be possible in principle, but all the set-up instructions are geared around MySQL which is stable, open-source and free and runs in Windows or Linux. I'm no expert but assume from thee question you're running a Windows PC - do you have MySQL installed?
answered Jan 18, 2018 by SlightReturn Listed class (2,850 points)