0 votes
Results from the Newmarket Rowley Mile and Newmarket July courses can be quite different. For example Richard Fahey has an SR (1/1/2000 -> present) on Rowley Mile of 7.3% vs. 12.7% on the July course. That data is from Raceform Interactive which treats these courses as distinct.  How can I separate out Newmarket into 2 courses in Smartform. The aggregated SR for Richard Fahey reported by an appropriate query from Smartform is 9.6%.

Is the only way to have a record of the date range for use of the July course in each year and programatically split one course into two ?

In case anyone's insterested, here's the query I'm using to get this data:

USE smartform;
    FORMAT(IF(sub.RaceCount > 30, (sub.WinCount / sub.RaceCount) * 100, NULL), 1) AS WinPct,
    FORMAT(IF(sub.RaceCount > 30, (sub.PlcCount / sub.RaceCount) * 100, NULL), 1) AS PlcPct
        COUNT(*) AS RaceCount,
        COUNT(IF(finish_position = 1, 1, NULL)) AS WinCount,
        COUNT(IF(finish_position > 1, 1, NULL)) AS LosCount,
        COUNT(IF(finish_position < 4, 1, NULL)) AS PlcCount
        historic_runners USING (race_id)
        course = 'Newmarket'
            AND race_type_ID IN (12, 15)
            AND trainer_name IS NOT NULL
            AND unfinished IS NULL
    GROUP BY trainer_id) AS sub
ORDER BY sub.course , sub.trainer_name
in Smartform by hyoung Novice (410 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, that's correct, though the July course at Newmarket is only used in Summer, so you should make your default the Rowley mile, then strip out all races in June, July and August - those are your July course races.
by colin Frankel (19.7k points)