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I have followed the manual to install the daily updates but when I try and run it seems to run ok but dosn't update anything? any help appreciated thanks
in Smartform by Kalatari Plater (120 points)
edited by Kalatari

1 Answer

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Have you customized the fetch_updates script? For example, I needed to comment out the set DB_PASS line because my smartform userid in the MySQL database doesn't require one. (Other changes I had to make include commenting out the set PATH statements because the requisite folders were already in the PATH and updating the userid and password for my Smartform subscription.) It actually took me 1/2 to 1 hour to get this script working but just reading the comments in the script were enough to the thing working. (I remember I also needed to install curl on my Windows machine.) My overall advice is to run fetch_updates on the command line and see what errors it throws up. When you have it fully debugged create the job in Task Scheduler (on Windows machine). I hope this helps you.
by gillpa Handicapper (730 points)
Thanks for the reply had all ready changed the paths to get it to run without errors. It was updating ok but me being stupid thought that when you open up the table dailys it would show todays runners and races when I should have queried it.