forecast and starting price data

0 votes
when modelling i prefer to work in decimal values, but UK market is generally using fractional.  Can you please tell me what the primary source of your price data is ?   is it betfair ?
asked Sep 11, 2014 by stocky1971 Novice (220 points)

1 Answer

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The forecast price is an odds compiler tissue (of the forecast industry starting price, see below) done off the basis of the declared runners the night before the race. The starting price is the industry or bookmaker price at the time if the off, according to which all bookmakers settle their bets. Fractional and decimal versions of these prices are shown in the database. Neither price is a function of the Betfair starting price which is peculiar to Betfair only.
answered Sep 11, 2014 by colin Frankel (19,320 points)