Running betfaiR package install with R in administrator mode seems to go well on Windows x64 with no error messages.
First load of betfaiR via > library(betfair) also seems to start well with dependent packages downloading, unpacking and checking v MD5. However there are several error messages towards the end of the initial load:
Loading required package: bitops
Loading required package: zoo
Attaching package: 'zoo'
The following object() are masked from 'package:base':
as.Date, as.Date.numeric
Loading required package: RCurl
Warning messages:
1: In utils::: packageDescription(x): no package 'bitops' was found
2: In utils::: packageDescription(x): no package 'zoo' was found
3: In utils::: packageDescription(x): no package 'xts' was found
4: In utils::: packageDescription(x): no package 'iterators' was found
5: In utils::: packageDescription(x): no package 'foreach' was found
6: In utils::: packageDescription(x): no package 'RCurl' was found
Looks to me that package installation just isn't happening.