Ahhhh, digging deeper it would appear not.
What do I need to do to the code from Example_5.2 to get the place market as opposed to the win market?
Is it to do with:
"my $event_menu = 13; #"13" is the current menu ID for horseracing events;"
"unless ($market_name =~ /\([A-Z]+|F\/C|Fav|Place|W\/o/)"
I have tried removing Place entirely, substituting Win in its place.......
All to no avail............
I have just removed the entire clause "unless ($market_name =~ /\([A-Z]+|F\/C|Fav|Place|W\/o/)" and I am getting all manner of markets coming through and I can see the correct "TO BE PLACED" markets, however it is struggling with pulling in the abbrev file to decode the course......
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.