When the Smartform updater runs, what does it do exactly? Does it only update the historic_races_beta table for latest date I don't have and for the next day's race card or can it update data in the past? It seems that I've been missing a couple of picks in my daily runner that appear later when I run an update across many dates. I've pretty much ruled out any inconsistencies on my side (it uses the same code) so I'm now looking toward issues with the data.
Edit: I just looked at the contents of the historic_races_beta update script and it looks like it does only update for the date I don't have. So what I'd now like to ask is, if I run the update script more than once per day, is it possible that data changes in the script between updates? This is the only thing I can think of, that I must have run it twice during the day and run my daily picks after the first update, and my historic pics after (2 days after to be precise).