Unfortunately, daily going descriptions are constantly changing in advance off racing and even during racing, and the descriptions are highly heterogenous in nature, so there is no easy solution, however we provide a number of utilities to assist with a) keeping on top of changes in going and establishing what the going is, and b) comparing going.
Firstly, all subscribers have access to the race_going pages from the members area, and can ingest these changes - along with corresponding race_ids matched to Smartform, as part of their daily updates - we would ask that updating is done in fair use terms (eg. at midday and possibly just before the race off time).
Secondly, we provide simplified going descriptions to fit in with the purpose of what you are trying to achieve above within the *insights tables. See the simplified_going and grouped_going fields (and corresponding descriptions) at:
Last but not least, users can apply their own transformations to the daily going data, using the type of logic described above, since descriptions are often highly variable and open to interpretation. For this very reason, there is ongoing work in British racing to standardise going descriptions against quantifiable criteria, as well as to measure going outside text based descriptions issued by the Clerk of each course.