Example of creating rating

+1 vote

Can you provide the simple example how to create a ratings with the smartform database?


asked Apr 4, 2012 in Smartform by konstvm Plater (170 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

You can read my notes on (initial attempt at) creating speed ratings here.  I haven't tested if they have any predictive power; however I'm happy to provide the SQL and R code below.


# sample races at four all-weather UK race courses between 2006 and 2009 with horses aged at least 3 years
USE smartform;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sample_races;
CREATE TABLE sample_races AS (SELECT a.race_id, MIN(COALESCE(age, 0)) AS min_age FROM
        course IN ('Kempton' , 'Lingfield', 'Southwell', 'Wolverhampton')
            AND race_type_id = 15
            AND YEAR(meeting_date) between 2006 and 2009
            AND class IS NOT NULL
            AND going = 'Standard') a
        INNER JOIN
    historic_runners b ON a.race_id = b.race_id
GROUP BY race_id
ORDER BY race_id);
DELETE FROM sample_races 
    min_age < 3;
ALTER TABLE sample_races
DROP min_age;

setwd("~/smartform data/speed ratings")

# load.R
# Sample races at four all-weather UK race courses between 2006 and 2009 with horses aged at least 3 years.
ch <- odbcConnect("smartform")
races <- sqlQuery(ch, "SELECT a.race_id, meeting_date, course, class, distance_yards, winning_time_secs FROM sample_races a INNER JOIN historic_races b ON a.race_id = b.race_id order by course, class, distance_yards", as.is = T)
races <- transform(races, class = as.numeric(class))
runners <- sqlQuery(ch, "SELECT a.race_id, name, sire_name, finish_position, distance_behind_winner FROM sample_races a INNER JOIN historic_runners b ON a.race_id = b.race_id", as.is = T)

# clean.R
# The IQR is the length of the box in the box-and-whisker plot for a given course and distance. An outlier is any value that lies more than one and a half times the length of the box from either end of the box. That is, if a data point is below Q1 – 1.5×IQR or above Q3 + 1.5×IQR, it is viewed as being too far from the central values to be reasonable.
whisker.lo <- aggregate(races$winning_time_secs, list(course = races$course, distance_yards = races$distance_yards), FUN = function(x) { boxplot.stats(x)$stats[1] })
races <- merge(races, whisker.lo, by = c("course", "distance_yards"), all.x = T)
races <- races[races$winning_time_secs >= races$x, c("race_id", "meeting_date", "course", "class", "distance_yards", "winning_time_secs")]
whisker.hi <- aggregate(races$winning_time_secs, list(course = races$course, distance_yards = races$distance_yards), FUN = function(x) { boxplot.stats(x)$stats[5] })
races <- merge(races, whisker.hi, by = c("course", "distance_yards"), all.x = T)
races <- races[races$winning_time_secs <= races$x, c("race_id", "meeting_date", "course", "class", "distance_yards", "winning_time_secs")]

# mording_stdtimes.R


# Implement procedure described in "Mordin on Time" for calculating standard times. Exclude courses and distances with fewer than 20 races races.
combos <- as.data.frame(table(races[, c("course", "distance_yards")]))
combos <- combos[combos$Freq >= 20,]
races <- merge(races, combos, by = c("course", "distance_yards"), all.x = T)
races <- races[!is.na(races$Freq), c("race_id", "meeting_date", "course", "class", "distance_yards", "winning_time_secs")]
rownames(races) <- NULL
# Calculate standard times, deducting 2.50 seconds per mile from races in slowest class and linearly-proportionate numbers of seconds from races between slowest and fastest classes
stdtimes <- aggregate(races$winning_time_secs - (races$class - 1) * 2.5 / 6.0 / races$distance_yards * 1760.0, by = list(races$course, races$distance), FUN = median)
cnts <- aggregate(races$winning_time_secs, by = list(races$course, races$distance), FUN = length)
stdtimes <- cbind(stdtimes, cnts[, 3])
names(stdtimes) <- c("course", "distance_yards", "stdtime", "cnt")

# mordin_speedratings.R


# Implement procedure described in "Mordin on Time" for calculating speed ratings.
runners <- merge(runners, races, by = c("race_id"))
runners <- merge(runners, stdtimes[, c("course", "distance_yards", "stdtime")], by = c("course", "distance_yards"))
wt.norm <- ifelse(runners$finish_position == 1, runners$winning_time_secs - (runners$class - 1) * 2.5 / 6.0 / runners$distance_yards * 1760.0 - runners$stdtime, NA)
wt.norm <- round(wt.norm / runners$distance_yards * 1760.0, 2)
runners <- cbind(runners, wt.norm)
going <- runners[!is.na(runners$wt.norm), c("meeting_date", "course", "wt.norm")]
going <- going[order(going$meeting_date, going$course), ]
going <- aggregate(going$wt.norm, list(meeting_date = going$meeting_date, course = going$course), FUN = mean, trim = 23/42)
names(going) <- c("meeting_date", "course", "going")
runners <- merge(runners, going, by = c("meeting_date", "course"))
runners$winner.speed.rating <- round(100 - 5 * (runners$wt.norm - runners$going))
runners <- merge(runners, runners[!is.na(runners$winner.speed.rating), c("race_id", "winner.speed.rating")], by = c("race_id"))
names(runners)[seq(from = length(runners), by = -1, length = 2)] <- c("winning.speed.rating", "speed.rating")
runners$speed.rating <- round(runners$winning.speed.rating - runners$distance_behind_winner / (runners$distance_yards / 1760))
runners$speed.rating[is.na(runners$speed.rating)] <- runners$winning.speed.rating[is.na(runners$speed.rating)]


answered Aug 30, 2012 by gillpa Handicapper (730 points)
edited Sep 1, 2012 by gillpa
It would be interesting to link the R code you used.
can you provide this algorithm for perl?
Sorry, I don't have the algorithm in perl.  However, here is a link to better written R code, with an additional algorithm for calculating recency-weight variables, e.g., recency-weight speed ratings: http://code.google.com/p/gillenpj-speed-ratings/source/browse/#svn%2Fwiki .  Running the SQL script creates the table of sampled races in MySQL, and running do.R does everything else in the correct order.  The code is reasonably well commented.
Thanks for posting, very cool.