Hi, give this a try, it should give you some ideas. Here is a method to get 7, 14 and 30day stats for jockeys with rides today.
I prefer to use sub tables and then join together rather than one big query
- Create a table of distinct jockey_id and jockey_name with rides today
- Create table historic data for jockeys (I restricted it to 3 years)
- Create tables of stats for various periods, here is create for 7, 14 and 30days
- Join the stats tables to the original table of jockeys with rides today
-- create a table of all jockeys with rides today
drop table if exists jockeys_today;
Create table jockeys_today
select distinct jockey_id , jockey_name FROM daily_runners hru
JOIN daily_races hra USING (race_id)
WHERE meeting_date = CURDATE();
-- create a subset table (last 3 years) with the table of jockeys with a ride today with historical data
drop table if exists jockeys_alldata;
Create table jockeys_alldata
SELECT hra.meeting_date, hru.jockey_name , hru.jockey_id, hru.finish_position
FROM jockeys_today jtd
INNER JOIN historic_runners hru using(jockey_id)
INNER JOIN historic_races hra USING (race_id)
WHERE meeting_date >= ADDDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -3 Year)
and ifnull(in_race_comment,'None') <> 'Withdrawn'
and ifnull((unfinished),'None') <> 'Non-Runner'
and starting_price_decimal IS NOT NULL;
-- create a subset table (last 7 days) of jockeys_alldata
drop table if exists jockeys_7d;
Create table jockeys_7d
SELECT jockey_name as jockey, jockey_id, COUNT(*) as Runs,
SUM(CASE WHEN finish_position = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Wins,
ROUND((SUM(CASE WHEN finish_position = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(*)) * 100) as Perc
FROM jockeys_alldata
GROUP BY jockey_name, jockey_id;
-- create a subset table (last 14 days) of jockeys_alldata
drop table if exists jockeys_14d;
Create table jockeys_14d
SELECT jockey_name as jockey, jockey_id, COUNT(*) as Runs,
SUM(CASE WHEN finish_position = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Wins,
ROUND((SUM(CASE WHEN finish_position = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(*)) * 100) as Perc
FROM jockeys_alldata
GROUP BY jockey_name, jockey_id;
-- create a subset table (last 30 days) of jockeys_alldata
drop table if exists jockeys_30d;
Create table jockeys_30d
SELECT jockey_name as jockey, jockey_id, COUNT(*) as Runs,
SUM(CASE WHEN finish_position = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Wins,
ROUND((SUM(CASE WHEN finish_position = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(*)) * 100) as Perc
FROM jockeys_alldata
GROUP BY jockey_name, jockey_id;
-- Join the table of todays jockeys with the 7d, 14d and 30d tables, sort by 7d perc descending
Select jockey_id , jockey_name,
ifnull(j7d.Runs,0) as Runs7d, ifnull(j7d.Wins,0) as Wins7d, ifnull(j7d.Perc,0) as Perc7d,
ifnull(j14d.Runs,0) as Runs14d, ifnull(j14d.Wins,0) as Wins14d, ifnull(j14d.Perc,0) as Perc14d,
ifnull(j30d.Runs,0) as Runs30d, ifnull(j30d.Wins,0) as Wins30d, ifnull(j30d.Perc,0) as Perc30d
from jockeys_today jtd
LEFT OUTER JOIN jockeys_7d j7d using(jockey_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN jockeys_14d j14d using(jockey_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN jockeys_30d j30d using(jockey_id)
order by j7d.Perc desc;