–1 vote

Hi Colin,

I am reposting this message as this might have been missed- I posted it on comments  from previous question

I have reinstalled the tables as per your advise.
I still have the same issue, where by:

My historic tables (i.e. histroic_races_beta, historic_runners_beta, histroic_betfair_win_prices) aren't updating daily. The last update is when I reloaded them.
My daily tables (daily_races_beta, daily_runners_beta, daily_betfair_mappings) seem to update fine.

Can you please advise?

in Smartform by chakradharmn Novice (300 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi - apologies this question was missed so thanks for reposting.

At first glance the question would be whether the updater is set up correctly for historic data.

To test, try running the updater for one table at a time.

You can do this by running


from the command line.

You will then get a list of your installed tables and can select (for example) historic_races_beta

Please try this and let us know how you get on.

If you still need support, it's probably best to use the contact us form on the website, and we can troubleshoot your installation directly.
by colin Frankel (19.7k points)