Hi - here's your query with official rating and historic rating added:
SELECT round(starting_price_decimal, 0) AS 'SP_dec', round(forecast_price_decimal, 0) AS 'SP_forecast', round(prize_money, -2) AS 'Prize Money', ascii(gender) AS 'gender', round(distance_yards) AS 'distance', position_in_betting, finish_position, historic_runners.official_rating AS 'OR', historic_runners.speed_rating AS 'SR' FROM historic_races join historic_runners using (race_id) where course="wolverhampton" and handicap="0" and all_weather=1 and stall_number between 1 and 20 and age >2 and race_type= "all weather flat" and days_since_ran between 1 and 1000 and class= 5 and finish_position=1 and starting_price_decimal between .1 and 1000 and forecast_price_decimal between .1 and 1000 and prize_money between 1 and 5000 and finish_position between 0 and 25 order by finish_position ASC;