How do betting exchanges make betting automation easier than with bookmakers?

+2 votes

Wondering why this has to be "Automatic Exchange Betting"?  What's wrong with automating normal betting?
asked Apr 18, 2011 in Automatic Exchange Betting by betwise2 Novice (390 points)
edited Apr 28, 2011 by colin

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
It's possible to automate any online betting - but not always easy or reliable.

Various methods of webscraping and browser automation exist that mean you can automate betting with all online bookmakers.  But in most cases this is highly fragile (meaning the webscraping scripts or programs are likely to break with any small changes in the website) and unreliable, since poor website availability or connection can also break it.    It is also complex, since custom scripts or programs must be written for each online bookmaker.  Last but not least automated betting is usually against the online bookmakers' terms of use.

With betting exchanges such as Betfair and Betdaq, an Application Programming Interface (API) exists that is designed to enable automation and programmatic interaction with all aspects of the exchange.  This reduces complexity, is more robust, and is also supported as a legitimate means of access by the exchanges.
answered Apr 19, 2011 by colin Frankel (19,320 points)
edited Apr 28, 2011 by colin