Hi - this is because the daily_betfair_mappings table was updated yesterday per this question:
However, your local database still has the old data. with an existing entry for yesterday's races in it, so cannot be updated, hence this error:
1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '1311522-3935086' for key 'daily_betfair_mappings.PRIMARY'
And also because it looks like you are running the smartform-updater for all-feeds. Therefore it stops as soon as it encounters the error.
To fix the problem, see yeterday's question - in this case you will need to delete all data since yesterday, so follow these steps:
# log in to smartform database
> delete from daily_betfair_mappings where date >= "2024-03-31";
# log out of database and rerun smartform updates
smartform-updater daily_betfair_mappings