Is there a problem, several of the daily tables are empty today

0 votes
daily_races, daily_runners, daily_runners_insights etc
asked Mar 3 in Smartform by Jojobrien Novice (200 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Yes - apologies, we had an issue with our raw data feed providers overhight which we are in the process of resolving.

Will post here when done.
answered Mar 3 by colin Frankel (19,660 points)
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NB: This issue is now resolved, the updater should work and load for daily_races, daily_runners, daily_races_beta and daily_runners_beta for today.
answered Mar 3 by colin Frankel (19,660 points)
Great, thanks Colin
will daily insights be available later on today?
daily_runners_insights is also available now.