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Hi, I’m thinking of downloading the Smartform database but I’d like to first check what sort of data is held. Is there an example DB I can download or is there any details of the schemas of the database so I can see if the data I’m interested in is available in the DB?
in Smartform by maddisor Novice (410 points)

1 Answer

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Hi - the data schemas are on the website.

So there is the original data schema, which we still provide since a number of older customers still use it, and a set of schemas referred to as "beta" - which are in fact the current production versions.

The PDF showing the original schema is here:


More information on the beta tables is here:


All tables - for the original schemas and the beta schemas - are available within the database, and can be used concurrently, and/ or joined between them.

Additionally we provide a number of derived variables which take care of the kind of operations that can be somewhat painful to code from scratch and are updated daily for both historic data and daily updates.

Schemas here:



We do not provide a sample database; the database contains all the data.
by colin Frankel (19.7k points)