Cannot load package on mac Osx 2.14

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Hi guys,

I get the following error when I try to load the package on my mac

Error in library(betfair) : ‘betfair’ is not a valid installed package

I have the betfair package folder in my main library folder.

Any ideas?

Much appreciated
asked Mar 22, 2012 in betfaiR package by absage Plater (120 points)

1 Answer

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The error message you're getting suggests that the package has not been found.  The mac is a little tricky since you have to install the betfair package locally and then make sure you have set the R Package Installer to select Local Source Package, as follows:


First, ensure that you have installed R and downloaded the correct package for Mac OS X from the
Betwise website.
Assuming you have downloaded the package to the directory /Users/username/betwise, open up R for Mac OS X, using the R GUI for Mac OS X.
In the GUI window, go to Packages & Data, then select Package Installer.
Within the new dialog box called R Package Installer select Local Source Package from the drop
down list at the top of the dialog (the default says CRAN (binaries)). Now, click the Install button
towards the bottom right of the dialog box.
A file selection box will appear, navigate within it to the directory where the betfaiR package is installed (in our example /Users/username/betwise/betfair_1.0.0.tar.gz) and select the package file by highlighting it. 
Click Open in the file selection box and the package will be installed, including all
When you are done, go to the R command line and type
> library(betfair)
And wait for the install to finish. Next time you use R, you’ll be able to type
without having to wait for the dependent packages to load.
answered Mar 25, 2012 by colin Frankel (19,320 points)