duplicate update after historic_runners_insights table get updated

0 votes
I re-installed historic_runners_insights table after listed_race update, drop the table and then download historic_runners_insights.zip from betwise website, however, when i run updater function (i use raspberry pi) smartform-updater-arm8 historic_runners_insights

it has error message

Fetching data from: https://www.betwise.co.uk/smartform_data/xxxx/xxxx/historic_runners_insights.sql
could not execute SQL statement: Error 1062: Duplicate entry '311872-1508792' for key 'historic_runners_insights.PRIMARY'

311872 race id is the first entry of historic_runners_insights table

could you help check this issue?
asked May 24, 2021 in Smartform by morningalpen Plater (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi - the history table was updated again last night per the twitter update @betwiser, here:


Basically, the table needs to be reinstalled whenever the database schema changes.  In this case, the new "month" field was showing as an integer value when in fact the value is the text month, eg. January as opposed to 01.  

Since there are over 200 new fields now there may be a few bugs that need ironing out, hence the reason for the updates, although of course the intention is to avoid this and stablize the new tables as soon as possible.   

Usually you can assume that if you have any error messages that refer to either historic_runners_insights or the daily_runners_insights tables that the data needs to be downloaded and re-installed due to a schema change.  NB.  We will also be posting on twitter if this is the case, for the avoidance of doubt.
answered May 24, 2021 by coltest Listed class (2,780 points)