Meaning of ZZZ , CCC or XXX in form_figures

0 votes
The form_figures field often has series of Z's, C's or X's in it.  Does anyone know why this is or what it means ?
asked May 23, 2015 in Smartform by delphi Plater (130 points)
edited May 23, 2015 by delphi

1 Answer

0 votes
Data errors basically, I think, although this isn't a field I use.

You can derive a more accurate form line by querying the historic part of the database to get at a horse's past runs, at least in so far as it's been doing its running under Rules in the UK or Ireland. This won't work for horses with overseas or Point-to-Point form.
answered Jun 23, 2015 by SlightReturn Listed class (2,850 points)
They seem to appear at the start of a new season. There is a need to also look at the unfinished column as well as finish_position if you compile your own form. I've only just started here with the data so have been having a detailed look at what is in the database. (over 2 million records means my system isnt that fast with some queries)